Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Love Song of J. Alfred Porlock

On the advice of counsel I am pausing posting on PODM, or as he said, "Some things are better left unsaid". I am actually going to earn a living although that depends on what your definition of "earn" is. In the meantime I'll be working on several unfinished projects in my Porlock File, things currently incomplete because of unwanted, irritating and trivial interruptions such as visits from bill collectors, the death of bizarre cultural icons (?) and opium salesmen. Okay some weren't that unwanted.
I grow old... I grow old...
Do I dare to take a stroll,

In rooms where women come and go talking of former DHS secretary Thomas Ridge,
Who went visiting Samuel Taylor Coleridge.


Joy McCann said...

"In the room the women dwell,
Harping on Vanessa Bell."

I wrote that when I was in my T.S. Eliot phase.

Dutch said...

Clearly I was on drugs other than my usual spectrum of narcotics and hallucinogenics when I wrote that. Your are completely right to correct my asinine assertions, I deserve to be wrapped in ShamWows and fed feet first into a poorly maintained rotary press. Who is this T.S. Eliot person of whom you speak?